Is your cat or kitten spraying in your home or scratching your furniture? Feliway Spray could be your answer. It contains a synthetic replica of the ‘happy’ pheromone that cats release when they rub their cheeks against your legs or furniture if they’re comfortable and happy. Feliway Spray is also great for comforting stressed cats on trips to the vet. Simply spray some on the affected area daily i.e. the plant or furniture that gets their attention or in their carrier for travelling.
Use the spray in conjunction with the diffuser where your cat spends most of it’s time for better results.
Always wait about 15 minutes before letting your cat near any sprayed areas. Never spray directly on cats.
- Helps correct inappropriate marking or scratching in specific areas
- Comforts on trips to the vet or kennels
- Clinically proven to calm stressed cats and kittens
- Synthetic replica of ‘happy’ pheromone is comforting to cats
- Effect lasts 4 to 5 hours
- Use approx. 8 sprays per use (400 sprays per bottle)
- Bottle contains 60 ml
Cats can get very stressed at the vet and by spraying the inside of your cat’s carrier with Feliway 15 minutes prior to the trip, these cats are much happier and calmer. Your vet may need to take blood from your cat or inject her, so by calming right from the beginning makes the entire trip less traumatic for everyone.