Effivet Skin & Wound Cleaner can be used to moisten, clean and debride wounds without harming healthy tissue. This ready to use spray is pH neutral and wont sting or irritate wounds. It can be used to provide relief from scratching, for hot spots and can be used to clean the ear and eye lid areas.
Did you know? EFFIVET:
• Helps clear up hotspots
• Relieves scratching
• Can be licked or ingested by animals
• Non-irritating
• Cleans and soothes
• Doesn’t sting or burn
How to use EFFIVET SKIN & WOUND Hydrogel
-Remove excess hair from wound area.
-Apply liberally on the wound.
-Allow EFFIVET to saturate the area.
-If a dressing is required, apply EFFIVET liberally to the dressing. No rinsing is required.
-The skin may “pinken” after application due to increased blood flow to the wound site, which will speed up healing.